Friday, November 21, 2003

US in Uncontrollable "Death Spiral," Time to "Reclaim Your Soul"

Former Professor Plans Vermont Secession

Thomas Naylor suggests Vermont should secede from the United States and become a republic. He has founded a political movement to that end, the Second Vermont Republic, and recently published a book: The Vermont Manifesto.

Naylor argues Vermont should "reclaim its soul" and return to the independent republic it was between 1777 and 1791. He also believes New Hamphire and Maine should as well.

"The U.S. is not a sustainable economy. Do you want to go down with the Titanic? No empire has survived the test of time."

Naylor says the US "death spiral" began with the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and got another jolt with Bush's preemptive strike on Iraq. Eventually, as happened with the Soviet Union, he states, states will break away.

"The United States is not going to survive as an empire. It's just fundamentally unmanageable. It's just totally out of control."

Dr. Naylor was an economics professor at Duke University for 30 years. In Vermont, he taught economics at Middlebury College and at the business school at the University of Vermont.

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